Big move by UK Government; Coronavirus vaccine to be offered in fast-food restaurant car parks

dering the surging Covid-19 cases around the world, the Government advisors in the UK have advised that the vaccination should be available in the tent set up near fast-food outlets so that it can be easily available for everyone (even the people living on the roads).

The government is working aggressively with the health workers to reach out to the backward/ weak categories like poor, obese, and ethnic minority categories, as well as men. All the people in this segment are at a high-risk of this deadly disease.

Even Professor Robert Dingwall, of the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation, told the media in a statement that such groups would especially benefit from the vaccine.
For the government, it is about making the vaccine easily accessible.

A sum of around 2,500 vaccination centres has been manned by NHS staff, retired nurses, and GPs across the UK.

In a press conference, the Health Secretary said that the country proud of the work the Jabs Army is doing.

The Queen also had her vaccination yesterday and told the country, “ It doesn’t hurt at all.”
The number of Brits jabbed is 28 percent of the population, the third-highest in the world behind Israel and the UAE.

Yesterday, the numbers who have had at least one dose rose by 448,962 after a slump for several days this week.

Last week, the vaccine rollout moved onto the next phase, with over-65s and younger people with underlying health conditions in England being offered the jab.

The success of Britain’s vaccine rollout helped drive the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, with all restrictions set to finish on summer solstice.